Cambridge and Somerville Program for Alcoholism and Drug Rehabilitation
CASPAR is a community-based non-profit organization founded in 1970 in response to growing community need for substance abuse treatment. No treatment options existed at the time other than local hospital emergency rooms for the 10% of the population affected by substance use disorders. The decriminalization of alcoholism in Massachusetts in the early 1970s, a legislative initiative spearheaded by CASPAR’s founders, reinforced CASPAR’s recognition that people with substance use disorders require treatment not incarceration.
Since 1970 CASPAR has grown from a single halfway house for men and a shelter for homeless men and women to a comprehensive array of services that provide access to people wherever they are on the substance use/abuse/recovery continuum. From street outreach to aftercare housing, CASPAR’s programs all reflect a shared commitment to non-judgmental, client-centered care for men and women who struggle with sobriety.
CASPAR is widely recognized for its proactive programmatic response to emerging populations, trends in substance use, and evidence-based research. Its reputation as the leading provider of substance abuse services in the area and a pioneer in cutting edge service delivery shapes CASPAR’s vision for the future as the premiere provider of client-centered treatment for high risk populations.
162 Highland Ave
Somerville MA 02143-1506
Tel: 617 628-3850
