Fenway Health
Mental Health

Behavioral Health

In keeping with Fenway Health's commitment to care for the whole person, behavioral health is a fundamental part of our primary care model. We offer individual, group, couple, and family therapy; psychiatric consultation; and addiction services.

We can help you deal with a range of personal issues and life events. Whether you are coming out, coping with self-esteem issues, seeking more satisfying relationships, living with HIV, trying to stop drinking, or grieving the death of a partner, we provide high-quality care that is sensitive to LGBT concerns.

Services include evaluation and referrals; counseling for myriad issues; therapy and support groups; psychiatric evaluation and treatment; and daily acupuncture for alcohol and drug addiction. See our calendar section for selected programs and upcoming special events.

Fenway Health
Ansin Building
1340 Boylston St
Boston MA 02215
Tel: 617 267-0900

Unless otherwise indicated, call 617.927.6202 to access Behavioral Health services.

Psychotherapy and Counseling Services

* Evaluation, consultation and intake
* Individual, couples, family and group therapy
* Therapy and support groups
* Substance abuse counseling
* Consultation to individual practitioners and institutions
* Psychiatry/Psychopharmacology

Medical Social Work

* Case management for Fenway medical clients
* Assist medical clients with accessing health insurance
* Serve as link between Medical and Mental Health departments
* Short-term, focused counseling for medical clients
* Family support, especially surrounding HIV-related issues
* Assist clients in accessing HIV-related medications
* Referrals to other agencies
* Healthcare proxies
* Assistance with financial support/entitlement programs
* Advocacy

Outpatient Substance Abuse Services

Services accessed through acupuncture walk-in clinic during hours listed below. You must contact Aaron at 617.927.6202 for an intake appointment before accessing these services.
* Acupuncture daily walk-in clinic for detoxification from alcohol and drugs (Hours Mon.-Fri. 8-10 am & 4:30-6:30 pm; Saturday 9-11 am)
* Substance abuse counseling, education and case management
* Individual and group counseling
* Smoking cessation
* Relapse Prevention
* HIV risk reduction education and referral to HIV test site
* Crystal Meth treatment groups
* Self Help meetings on site.

HIV Counseling, Testing and Referrals

Counseling and test appointments available by calling 617.267.0159 or during Wednesday walk-in clinic from 4:30 to 6 pm
* Pre- and post-test counseling
* HIV antibody testing (rapid testing by appointment only)
* Telephone counseling
* Newly diagnosed HIV-positive 3 session group
* Wednesday walk-in clinics from 4:30 to 6 pm offers:
- HIV antibody serum testing
- Hepatitis A and B vaccine
- Hepatitis C testing

Violence Recovery Program

For more information or to access services, call 617.927.6250 or 800.834.3242
* Client advocacy for LGBT victims of domestic violence, hate violence, sexual assault and police harassment
* Volunteer/Student Trainee Victim Advocate program
* Mental health counseling
* Education, training, and consultation for victim service providers
* Domestic violence groups for LGBT survivors
* Sexual Assault Group for male survivors of adult sexual assault
* Group for LGBT survivors of hate crimes and homophobia

Transgender Health Program

* Multidisciplinary Medical and Mental Health Clinical Team
* Medical and Mental Health Services

Family and Parenting Services

For information about Family & Parenting Services, call 617.927.6243
* Support, education and outreach for LGBT parenting issues.

GLBT Helpline and Peer Listening Line

* Volunteer staffed phone lines for adults and for youth, for education, support, and referral to GLBT services and resources within Massachusetts and Nationally.
* Helpline: 617.267.9001 or toll free 888.340.GLBT (4528)
* Peer Listening Line for GLBT Youth: 617.267.2535 or toll free 800.399.PEER (7337)

Lesbian Cancer Project

For information about the Lesbian Cancer Project call 617.927.6243
* Free support groups for lesbians and partners with cancer, networking and program liaison with area cancer services.

Behavioral Health Training Program
* Graduate level training program
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