Opportunity House
Baystate Health - Alcohol & Drug Treatment
Alcoholism and Drug Services (ADS)
Baystate Health has been working closely with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (DPH-BSAS) and Behavioral Health Network (BHN) to transition Baystate Health’s substance abuse services to Behavioral Health Network, a trusted community behavioral health and substance abuse services provider. After their dates of transfer, these programs will all remain open and will accept new patients under the new BHN auspices.
Opportunity House
59-61 Saint James Ave
Springfield MA 01109
Tel: 413 739-4733
Recovery Homes
As of March 1, 2010 the two recovery homes, Opportunity House and My Sister's House, transitioned to BHN. Please note that the address and telephone numbers for inquiries and referrals have not changed.