Courtesy - Kindness - Justice - Love
STEP Inc. is a non-profit 501 C-3 organization, offering free on demand (drop-in) services in English and Spanish. Services include addiction recovery, substance and alcohol abuse counseling (individual and group), crisis intervention, case management, advocacy, violence intervention and prevention (anger management), reintegration and aftercare. STEP inc. is conveniently located in downtown Boston adjacent to the North End and North Station.
131 Beverly St
Boston MA 02114
Tel: 617 720-0153
Fax: 617 367-9644
On Site Services
Integrated Recovery Case Management including:
* Crisis intervention
* Case management
* Referral
* Support services
* Violence Intervention / Prevention(VIP) Program
* Individual and group counseling
* Information and education
* Advocacy
* Self-help
Off Site Services:
* SIR Program: (STEP Into Recovery) at Middlesex House of Correction, Billerica
* STEPRox Program: Community based engagement and outpatient recovery services
