Boston ASAP
Boston ASAP is an outpatient alcoholism and drug treatment clinic, Licensed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health as a "Substance Abuse Ambulatory Service".

Boston Alcohol & Substance Abuse Programs
30 Winter St #3
Boston MA 02108-4763
Tel: 617 482-5292
Fax: 617 482-5232

We Provide

Driver Alcohol Education – The standard Massachusetts program for persons charged with Operating Under the Influence (OUI).

Aftercare Services for persons who have attended the standard two week inpatient treatment program for a second OUI

Substance abuse assessment and evaluation for voluntary patients and referrals from courts, EAPs, social service offices, and health care providers.

Outpatient problem gambling assessment and treatment.

Services for students and young adults who are involved with courts or campus judiciary which require alcohol or drug education or counseling.
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